Christopher B. Caddell was welcomed into the arms of his Heavenly father Wednesday April 3, 2020.
Christopher was born to Arnold E. Caddell, Jr. and Beverly (Wood) Caddell on July 30, 1966 and grew up in Edgewood, Ky graduating from Scott High School in 1984. While at Scott he met the love of his life and best friend, Eleni (Inembolidou) Caddell. They spent the last 36 years side by side, and they would have celebrated their 32ndwedding anniversary in May. Their unwavering devotion to one another through the highs and lows of life was evident until the very end.
Upon graduation from Scott, he went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Baylor University in 1988. He played in the Baylor University Golden Wave Band all four years of college.
In 1996 Chris took the chance to work with and learn from his father and began working at Heritage Bank as a teller. He worked in various departments and roles over the course of the years and was installed as board chairman in 2016 after the retirement of his father. Chris always aspired to follow in his father’s footsteps, and he worked diligently to maintain a culture of deep care for the employees and customers of Heritage Bank. He was a model of servant leadership to all who had the chance to work with him.
While he had a steadfast passion for and commitment to Heritage Bank, he also saw the tangible needs of so many in the community, which led him to found Lifeline Ministries of Northern Kentucky in 2004. What started as 15 people in his basement packing 50 care baskets for families in the hospital eventually morphed into meeting tangible needs in the community. Lifeline moved to a different location in Erlanger/Elsmere where people could come receive groceries, clothing, and household items free of charge. Their core principles were to love unconditionally and to help people in any way possible without judgment. Lifeline served over 50,000 families before closing its doors in 2016. For his work with Lifeline he was honored as the 2011 Florence Rotary Citizen of the Year.
What tied together everything Chris did in life was that he loved serving people. He always put the needs of others above himself. He also gave his expertise to the following efforts:
Kentucky 4H Foundation Board Member 2018-2020
Tennis for Charity, Inc. Board Member 2018
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Board Member 2018
In his free time, Chris enjoyed traveling with Eleni and their family, watching sporting events with his children, and he loved classic cars. He loved to laugh and make people smile.
Of everything Chris devoted himself to in life his family always came first. He fiercely and sacrificially loved each one of them.
Chris was father to a son and a daughter, Steven Caddell, Burlington, KY (wife Kristen Caddell) and Alexis Caddell, Los Angeles, CA.
He was also blessed with two grandchildren, Nora Mae Caddell (age 4) and Jackson Christopher Caddell (age 2). (Parents Steven & Kristen Caddell)
Chad Caddell, Burlington, KY, was Chris’ brother and only sibling. Chad is married to Tara Caddell. They have two sons (Chris’ nephews): Casey Caddell and Cameron Caddell.
Chris had a brother-in law, Vasilis Inembolidis (wife, Julie Cunningham) of Goleta, CA.
Chris had three uncles, Dr. Mark Caddell, DDA (wife, Barb) of Boston, MA, Gregg Wood (wife, Elaine) of Dallas, TX, and Tony Wood (wife, Barb) of Glenn Allen, VA.
Most importantly, Chris centered his life around honoring Jesus Christ. It was the common thread running through his professional and personal life. He viewed all he had in life as a gift from God and was a faithful steward.
A celebration gathering for Chris’s life will be on Saturday, October, 23, 2021 from 11:00AM-1:00PM at Crossroads Church in Florence, KY. Celebration service will follow at 1:00PM at the church.
The family would appreciate it if you take the time to record a video of yourself or write a note letting them know what Chris meant to you or of a favorite memory as they compile a virtual “book” in his remembrance. Please send them to [email protected].
In lieu of flowers, the Caddell Family has asked that you consider financial gifts to the following organizations that were meaningful to Chris:
OCEAN Programs is an independent nonprofit that trains entrepreneurs to open new businesses. Chris Caddell was a long term, generous supporter of OCEAN because of its focus on the intersection of faith and entrepreneurship. OCEAN has launched over 150 new businesses in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Gifts can be made at or via check made payable to OCEAN Programs and sent to OCEAN Programs, 1100 Sycamore St, 4th Floor, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
The Kentucky 4-H Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the financial support of the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program. Kentucky 4-H supports youth by providing research-based programming, professional and adult mentors, and leadership and job training. Chris shared 4-H’s commitment to building community, as well as, their passion for providing life-changing youth development opportunities for young people. Kentucky 4-H has a presence in all 120 counties and reaches over 250,000 youth annually. Gifts in Chris Caddell’s honor can be made at

You may participate in our “Hugs from Home” program by leaving condolences at:
Christopher B. Caddell
Highland Cemetery
Address: 2167 Dixie Hwy Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017Christopher B. Caddell